Metaphorical wishes

As we know, the new moon signals the beginning of the lunar cycle end of things in our lives. To help that something be born, we can plant seeds, real or metaphorical. So the question lies what would you like to plant and grow? Write your wishes on small pieces of paper and hide them along with a tiny crystal and a small biodegradable boxer container. Hold your container in your non-dominant hand as you cast your wishes under the new moon. And speak these words out here I plant my seeds here I plant my dreams, here I set my wishes here I Sprout new plans as I will it let it grow I will see my seeds growing growing growing as the Moonlight grows, budding, blooming, fruiting bring your container of seeds in your yard which for me it will be wishes on little slips of paper it also reminds me something that I watched on YouTube YouTube is so amazing but they talked about houseplants and you know I mean wishes is important to but house plans the oxygen that it gives off that is needed and still houses is so good and there’s certain houseplants that you can grow that are very good for your breathing so research it and see what you can find cuz now that it’s winter I’m thinking about planting

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