Calm over chaos

Today is a great day to connect with your emotions period
Taking that energy to help you rise above. Chaos, chaos, because what is out there in the world? In the political arena in the world International news. It is all chaotic, so you must make a choice. Whether you want to choose those chaotic feelings that you get from. Listening to the political arena or the. Different crime networks and different things. Or to choose something that might be something that’s worthwhile. Like it says in the bible about choosing things that are loving, kind and indecisive

I think about jesus and how he calmed the water and it was A terrible tempest really bad storm going on out there But he said fear not and he calmed the store by just saying peace Because he had the power of the holy spirit over him that he could Command and things would be done

So for me I always like to take It must be a journal or it musomething spelled You must have just the right pin to write with

So here you are writing a letter to yourself. Explaining exactly what you wish to let go of in your life. And that’s where I go to fly, lady with the 27 buggy decluttering. Because once you declare, you declare your mind as well. And you help others by giving. So it’s very much a positive. But you must explain exactly what you wish to let go of in your life. Listen to the best books and. Listening to elders as I speak. Because they teach you so much period Allow yourself to gain a new perspective on things that you’ve gone through in your life. That is in your past. Although I do believe that your past is your past and not look behind. But there are times that you must look at the things that you’ve gone on in your life through your family. And then things that have gone on. Showing yourself the compassion that you normally reserve for others and use on your. On yourself With your pen, write down other things like how to gain a new perspective on your pals. Maybe things that could be I think for me what I would do is take this credit card and burn it. And start a new life over with finance chained.

Watch Question What’s done is done but these Ties no longer bind from the past

For good of all including me, including me. Yes, we will right what we need an extinguished

The power fades and new freedom and peace I find.

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