Madness and Crazy people

What’s your #1 priority tomorrow?


Here I am being my wonderful self. Calling and calling and blowing up. The phone? Because? My teeth are decaying under my dentures and yet. Carrollton smiles just will not deal with me. Even though Humana recommended them but you know I digress. II try I have been by the office. I have done everything they make sure to give me plenty of x-rays, but when it actually comes to dealing with this DK and actually getting in there and pulling my teeth, the avoidance is there.

Is struggling to juggle food prices and where to shop? Where to go to get the best prices and juggling?

I was able to go to the credit Union and get a debt console. Consolidation loan because I’m trying to. Merge my debt together and try to get. Free from this debt.

But it’s a wonderful feeling at the end of the day. When you are actually able to. Get your debt taken care of and getting. Finish with that.

Then when I sing? I’m getting free from it all and looking to a tunnel that we are merged with freedom. Then Oliver sudden medical bill c** sauce to wear. They cannot see you unless you pay them. At least $200. Thank you, humana, what is good with the insurance

People blowing up my phone. Wanting me to sign with funeral services. Now I have blocked this number continuously. And still, they call me no matter what.

Next, I have to deal with. Being able to get my medicine. Because The Thing is, the pharmacy waits till the last day for me to get anything even though I Doi take it correctly. But still they played this game. And I feel like it’s a game.

But every day I balance my budget and I cash stuff and try to see exactly where I can pay a phone bill or eventually take care of a car payment on this. Older, wonderful vehicle dishonda, it’s a good car. And I only owe about $25000 more on it. Which will take me 6 years to pay. And the priority is threatened. The rent because I have to have.

A roof over me And trying to avoid temo so I don’t go crazy. Spending money on that app even though. I tried to load out a little bit of money because it is my pleasure. Eating out once a month at Mongolian barbecue. Getting something to go that will last me for a little while is my pleasure.

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