Life in progress

Ask, believe, receive

Taking time to align with Spirit

Analyzing what do I actually want in my life, what Should I ask for?
And believe that I can have and be willing to receive it period but God is so good Rap for me no matter what he has me from jump.
And sometimes we think that what? We get is something bad. It’s good for us when it isn’t

Do I really need to get everything that I want? And how would life be interesting if I had everything that I needed? When God provides all that I need.

Yes, to half health, I’m truly thankful and to have great wealth for me. I could care less about that because there’s something about the struggle. That interests, people people like dad. Dave Ramsey and talking about wealth to the people who are wealthy. How is that going to teach many things in the first place?

It would be great in this life to actually not go through the pain of losing people that you love, but it’s just parted the struggle to make you learn to have these memories of that 1 person that meant so much to you even though it’s very hard Going through life with only positive experiences. Your answers, but how do you learn? It’s the negative as well as the positive that makes up alive. And of course, not everyone is going to surrender. In embrace spiritual values like helping others. Having charitable works. Living life simply and wishing good will to others. And having love for one another. I’ll eliminate people looking down on those who don’t have. And that is life on Earth.

And if you look at Christianity and the 10 commandments and those who follow different sex and face Buddhism, Dallas, I’m Hinduism, capitalism, Islam. All have their own ethical codes. Simply bepause and what is taught to them to their family and what they grow up with. Get that gets inculcated into them. But to live, these moral codes will help you live a life of integrity comma dignity, and interpiece

There are some people who’ve learned the hard way that when they come near death experience all of a sudden, they become more loving and compassionate. Of course, there are those who are abusive that rarely give up their behavior because I get too many goodies and and things that they want from intimidating bullying and oppressing others period Sometimes it takes a serious blow to their pocket books comma reputation comma encyclopediand psyche to get them to really look at how destructive their behavior is to prod them to follow another way.

Before you ask for anything, surrender. Take the time to align with spirit and to understand what God. Roughly once for you in your life. I have so many beliefs that I think about. Understand what’s Spirit really wants for you. Consider that what you? Are asking for isn’t it? And will it contribute? To the well-being of. Other people not just yourself

When you Seek to attract something, remember? To surrender a line. And contribute

People start a octopus. Outfocusing on themselves. Think of 5 things you would really like to have right now period Honestly even though I pay rent to my daughter. And I’m happy like this, it would nice. It would be nice to have my own the home. To have a Mercedes. I am happy with this older car that I can drive most everywhere. And it’s a good Honda and I like it so I don’t. And as regards the new wardrobe. I’m so thankful for what I have some of my clothes are much older. That as long as I’ve got a shirt and some pants are A. Now a loving partner does a different thing. Because there goes dangerous. Water is because it’s very difficult to find someone who is loving. And who is not the right person for you? Because I found that out the hard way and of course, to be in good health. So let me think on that. 5 wishes to put in the bottle of the genie. I wish for my credit card debt to be paid off. I wish to pay off my car. I would like to be finished with creditors. I am happy to be sequestered here where I can focus completely on being productive. I’m working Thanks out in my mind, things that need to be done to. Try to do. Thanks better

So what about the jaguar? Oh, I’ve had that before. Oh yes, it blew up on me. And I remember that’s about when my husband died. But it’s only a bit vehicle, and I’m happy with t. Is as good as reliable good gas mileage? But I don’t need to impress other people with what I have. And I would rather ask spirit what he really wants for me saying my with clothes or most to anything? And the loving partner. I don’t know about that if that will ever happen but I try to give someone a chance but that just did not work so step out of your ego. And embraceing uncertainties of life and ascertain what the spirit is painting for your live. Is so constantly aligned with spirit so that your thoughts, your feelings and actions reflect spiritual values. And loving soul inclinations. Do your best to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions along the path of servitude.

What i’d like to do is to align my thoughts and model them after spiritual teachers who inspire me and of course. And you can pick great spiritual teachers. You can also find people around you tha. T inspire you as well. And I find this in church many times people that surprise me actually that are very loving. Be sure that the people who inspire you. Align their thoughts with what you believe yours, my bee.

Certain needs Trying to be fulfilled? I remember that movie that I saw. A genie and this woman, and she was all alone in the world, and he became so much been answered for her with loneliness with so many different things. He became like a soulmate to her who would not want does.

Emotions are A simple need that you are trying to get fulfilled period it’s just like for me right now worrying about having bread to eat, but yet I can go in there and I can make bread brather than Stir it food prices and bread that’s gone app to anywhere from 6 to $8 I could make my own. It is what you set your mind to. Power desire motivation to get what you want or not, I remember. Growing up around my grandmother and she had gone through the depression, but you learned. And yet there are people that. We’re in the mountains and they did not work. They did not have food and they. And they were A. So aligning your actions. Thinking positive is one thing, but to actually.

The oppositive and energetic and to change your behaviors within second enthusiasm. But, you know, talking does not cook the rice. And the lentils, so you must align your actions by taking steps. Every day, even small ones to shape an opposite direction. I know for me. I guess the one thing that happened to me today. Which was really nice as woman knocked on my door and I was able to give her some water. I didn’t have any money.

Remember yourself You’re spiritual cell. There are many times I think a people who are. Muslim and I think about their practice of praying 5 times a day and what a wonderful. Idea that is remembering to pray

In the morning when you wake When you move from sleep to waking. And shift your natural identity from spirit during sleep. Dreamless sleep to little you. If you can remember to affirm to yourself as you wake up as spirit and dedicate yourself to keeping connected to what spirit wants from you to wealthy entire day. So for me, waking up is prayer.

And then eventually the day becomes snoon and you think to yourself Let me take a moment to remember my father who created me and used Use verses from scripture I know from me today it is revelation chapter three Ask yourself how am I doing am I living this day Espirit have I forgotten who I am And how can I rea line myself

Dinner, just 5 PM. Make sure you are enlivement with spirit and create a story out of any difficult event that has taken place during the day which for me is getting up and making bread. Because that’s what I’m worried emotionally. I attempt to move into a more positive emotion.

Then is evening prayer where the sun is Setting at six thirty pm You think about today’s events and what have you gone through and what have you And I remembered that it was nice going through that dumpster And actually getting some clothes unable to bless someone with some Close the ipad Meditate and go into prayer For guidance to discover if you have missed anything that spirit is attempt Attempting to convey to you throughout the day And then the bedtime prayer comes and as she go to Sleep Let the cares the day drop away and remember That you are spirit that god resized with the end as you dissolve into the natural state of Who you really are and surrender to spirit as you go to sleep Prayers affirmations pieces of scripture silently things to yourself As you drift away and let spirit help you let go at the little person

So how do you align your actions? Stay focused on service. There is a great man. Arthur was a great and wise king. His wife had an adulterous affair with his best friend period Neglected his duties as a king and the land villain to despair and disarray. Searching for a way to bring the spirit of the king back to life. The holy crowd, the magical cup twas used during the last supper at last one night, Perceval found the grill and was asked following questions. What is the scale? Whom does it servearth? Percival reminded King Arthur. That no matter what befell him in life. He was still here on Earth to love and serve others. And that is what we are to do to follow in Jesus steps closely. And to when we see someone like that song. You see someone and when you can to help someone along is important. So King Arthur moved out of the state to despair and forgave this wife which I don’t believe that really happens truly in life. But so they say, and he took up his role as king again. Remembering his obligation to be of service whether he felt like it or not, and we are in service to the living God, and it is what he wants for us to do to serve him. If we have to scenario hard to do not everyone does.

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