Watch “Coconut Chia Pudding Recipe | Coconut Milk | Easy Dessert | Keto | Vegan | Gluten Free | #short” on YouTube Newly discovered chia pudding Greek yoghurt Chia 3 tbsp Layer strawberries 🍓 😍 😋 🥭 🥭 🥭 layer 200 ml milk and Greek yoghurt Protein powder almonds This is an amazing food you’ll have to check it out it is very nice.

Watch “St. Elmo’s Fire! | INSIDE the Flight Deck | Bizarre Weather Phenomenon! ✈️” on YouTube St Elmo’s day energy St Elmo’s Fire was not just a film from the 1980s that defined a generation, it is an actual weather phenomenon. St Elmo’s Fire emits a blue or Violet glow around a tall object and is often seen around tall Mastiff ships at sea. Sailors came to view it asContinue reading “Watch “St. Elmo’s Fire! | INSIDE the Flight Deck | Bizarre Weather Phenomenon! ✈️” on YouTube”

Watch “Is Praying For More Money Considered Selfish?” on YouTube

TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER Pray over finances and ask God for wisdom over your finances. Show me in your word how to live..character wisdom. GODS PEOPLE SUFFER FOR LACK OF WISDOM.BUDGET!PAY CASH! Change my spirit to one of depending on God only, leaving prayers over finances and I think also to be kind to creditors andContinue reading “Watch “Is Praying For More Money Considered Selfish?” on YouTube”

Watch “PRESS THESE 3 POINTS DAILY For A Healthy and Happy Life | Qigong Basic Acupressure Daily” on YouTube

Invoking ease and peace When we are stressed, our parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates our body functions, can be overwhelmed by our sympathetic nervous system, which wants to flight, flee or fight. If you want to quickly invoke a sense of ease and peas and send messages of safety to your nervous system? There isContinue reading “Watch “PRESS THESE 3 POINTS DAILY For A Healthy and Happy Life | Qigong Basic Acupressure Daily” on YouTube”