Life in progress

Ask, believe, receive Taking time to align with Spirit Analyzing what do I actually want in my life, what Should I ask for?And believe that I can have and be willing to receive it period but God is so good Rap for me no matter what he has me from jump.And sometimes we think thatContinue reading “Life in progress”

Madness and Crazy people

What’s your #1 priority tomorrow? Dental Here I am being my wonderful self. Calling and calling and blowing up. The phone? Because? My teeth are decaying under my dentures and yet. Carrollton smiles just will not deal with me. Even though Humana recommended them but you know I digress. II try I have been byContinue reading “Madness and Crazy people”

Growing older gracefully

Knowledge of longevity and I think also keeping up. There is a magazine out there with the speaks of longevity and the different things that you can do and try. I do believe Rap for me. Th GH factor is very good. So I think that agecongratulate is encouraging. Good habits like getting open, gettingContinue reading “Growing older gracefully”