
Oh look a new member coming in how interesting. Look how she’s dressed it’s not quite acceptable and why is she keeping her coat on and she’s not quite dressed Christian it’s more a different denomination or something we don’t know but will she be acceptable here how much money does she have in herContinue reading “Church”


Vata represents movement, transport, sensory functions and the ability to commute communicate all body functions.. Pitta is responsible for metabolism, digestion, regulation of body heat, temperature, intellect and emotional expression. Kapha controls the fluid balance of the body and immune resistance. Cohesion, structure and stability also depend on kapha.

The power of giving service

Is there any magic stronger than helping others? I think not. Veterans stay in the United States is a day when we honor those who have served and protected our country. Celebrate this with honoring and awareness. To those who have served this country, I honor you. To those who serve others every day, evenContinue reading “The power of giving service”